Nowadays, more and more women decide to undergo Breast Enlargement surgery. This cosmetic procedure has become so fashionable that we forget that it is still a surgery that may entail numerous complications, if a patient is not cautious enough in choosing the appropriate clinic, plastic surgeon or even the size.
Before making the decision, consultation is required. The term means the time for both, the doctor and the patient, for asking all the questions and dispelling the anxieties; regarding the medical history, one’s expectations, the possibility of accomplishing these expectations, the possible risk and complications.The role of the patient here is of paramount importance as she needs to be totally honest with the surgeon and answer all the questions the doctor requires.
Additionally, plastic surgeons also choose and recommend the size that in their opinion is the most balanced and well-proportioned considering a patient’s body and figure. They ought to discuss the following issues: the process of surgery – step-by-step, the anaesthesia, all the potential risks and complications, post-surgical instructions and the convalescence, as well as provide a patient with a precise list of the medications that she should stop/start taking before/after the surgery. In most cases plastic surgeons take photographs and all the necessary measurements which they use for their records.
At our clinic the type of implants we use are eurosilicone implants. They have 12 different configurations with 233 variations. The shell surface: Smooth or Cristalline™ Micro-textured which makes the implant looking more natural. There are 2 types of gel that is inside the implant: Soft Cohesive or Natural Cohesive.
On the surgery day, the surgeon will mark the area for the surgery and again discuss with you every step of the surgery. The surgery is performed under general anaesthetics and takes about 1 hour to complete. After the treatment, a special supportive bra is inserted in order to help the new breast with swelling and provide you with more comfort. The following morning, there is a check up with the surgeon who explains what patients should or should not do.
After the surgery, follow all the instructions, recommendations and especially orders provided by your plastic surgeon and stay calm.