Statistics show that 40-60 percent of men suffer from excess fat and tissue in the chest area, due to the abnormal increase in glandular tissue which no amount of exercise can reduce.
The procedure is usually done under general anaesthetic and takes about 1 hour to complete. The surgeon removes the excess fat tissue by liposuction leaving the chest flatter, firmer and better contoured. Another step is the gland removal. The incision on the upper part of the nipple is performed (half circle) and through that the glands are removed. Once the procedure is over, stitches are inserted, usually dissolvable ones and the area heals quickly. A special supportive elastic garment is provided and patients need to wear it for 3 weeks. Regarding exercises and strenuous work, these need to be avoided for about 3 weeks after the surgery date. Coming back to work is possible 3 days after the treatment, however, it also depends on the kind of work the patient is performing.
After 2/3 months the main swelling and bruising should disappear and the patient should see the first results. Staying in touch with the surgeon and updating the information and pictures about the healing process is of paramount importance.