Vaginal plastic surgery, or vaginoplasty, is the correction of vaginal width and correction of perineal defects. It is most often chosen by women whose vagina and perineum were ruptured or stretched as a result of childbirth. The aim of vaginal plastic surgery is to improve the quality of sexual life. Vaginal plastic surgery allows a woman to feel more strongly the pleasure of sex. In addition, too wide an entry into the vagina promotes such ailments as excessive vaginal discharge and inflammation. Changes in the reproductive system are caused by excessive stretching of vaginal circular muscles and damage to the pelvic floor muscles, which in turn contributes to perineum depression, vaginal atrium enlargement and entry into the vagina. These changes may be the result of long and difficult deliveries or deliveries of newborns with high birth weight, as well as hard physical work. Performing plastic surgery in such situations is often the only possible treatment.
Plastics consists in improving vaginal muscle tension. Due to the fact that as many as 90 percent of women who give birth naturally suffer minor or major vaginal injuries and have their crotch incised, this procedure is becoming more and more popular. Thanks to vaginoplasty, even after several births a woman has a chance for successful sex. It is important that the vaginal plastic surgery is performed by a gynaecologist, because he/she has the knowledge and proper preparation to perform such procedures. The passage of vaginal plastic surgery is not a contraindication to the next pregnancy.
The vaginal stenosis procedure is a gynaecological operation. The stages of this operation include: vaginal stenosis by removing the excess of the vaginal back wall, repairing defects of pelvic base muscles and muscles of the pelvis and sponge and perineum. The operation is performed by a gynaecologist dealing with aesthetic gynaecology, on the operating table in a gynaecological position.
Before the operation, the doctor carefully draws the lines of the planned surgical cuts, in such a way as to determine the size of the necessary tissue fragments to remove. The procedure results in vaginal narrowing, improvement of pelvic floor muscle tension and perineum lift, i.e. the distance between vaginal atrium and anus. An important element of the operation is proper restoration of pelvic floor muscles and removal of excess vaginal mucosa. A small suture remains outside. Usually the procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. The external wound on the skin heals for about 7-10 days. The patient returns to full physical activity after a few days and to sexual activity after 6-8 weeks.
As a rule, the patient is activated about 4-6 hours after the procedure. After the procedure, the patient may drink fluids and start eating easily digestible food. The patient is discharged the next day after the procedure. Since the pain after the procedure is very slight, she only uses commonly available painkillers at home. After the procedure, you can return to daily activities, and to full activity after about 4-6 weeks.