Gastric Bypass is an incredibly effective bariatic surgery. The procedure is particularly recommended to people suffering from advanced obesity – those affected with type-2 diabetes and to whom traditional methods of weight loss proved to be ineffective.
Performing gastric bypass surgery is a guarantee of excess weight reduction – even up to 85%. The effectiveness of this method is based on the reduced stomach volume as well as reducing the length of the intestine in contact with the food – ingesting large amount of food is simply impossible.
Gastric bypass is the best bariatric surgery which has successfully been used since decades. Any other surgical method is compared to the gold standard which is the bypass to this day.
The surgery consists of creation of a small, about 50 ml in volume, pouch from the upper stomach and making anastomosis, which impacts in a significant way the processes of absorption and digestion of food in the intestines. Therefore, the surgery is not only restrictive in nature (volume of the food ingested), but also limits the absorption of the consumed food.
Regarding diagnostics,
- The following assessments are conducted before a procedure: surgical, cardiological, endocrinology, pulmonological, gastroenterologic, psychological, dietary.
- Examinations performed during the patient’s consultation: biochemical profile, endocrinological profile, gastroscopic tests, abdominal ultrasound, echocardiography, spirometry, chest radiograph.
- If necessary, we conduct further examinations (e.g. computerised tomography (CT), examinations of the upper section of the digestive tract using contrast medium).
- Diagnostics last 1–2 days and are carried out immediately before the procedure. Thanks to this, the patient entering the stage of surgical treatment is the one that has been fully diagnosed, which considerably minimises the risk associated with surgical treatment.