Bioenteric Intragastric Balloon (BIB) is a safe method for losing unwanted kilograms. A balloon placed in the stomach is big enough to ensure that there is no possibility of it coming outside. It is an alternative for a classic bariatric surgery. The procedure is non-surgical, reversible and safe.
The procedure consists of introducing into the stomach a special balloon filled with liquid and/or air (up to about 700ml) – the balloon reduces the maximum volume of the stomach and, as a result, a patient feels full even after eating a small meal. The balloon remains in the stomach for about 6 months and causes the patient to develop new eating habits.
The Intragastric Balloon is also a perfect solution before surgical treatment of obesity. It should be underlined that this method does not affect the process of digestion and does not require the patient to take additional diet supplements. Post procedural complications are extremely rare.
Intragastric balloon is a great way to prepare the patient for the next stage of treatment – the surgical stage. This is particularly important for patients who are very obese or are suffering from concomitant illnesses, significantly impaired by the patient’s condition.
The loss of a dozen or even dozens of pounds during balloon therapy makes subsequent surgical treatment much safer.
- There are few assessments that need to be conducted before the procedure: surgical, cardiological, endocrinology, pulmonological, psychological, dietary.
- Examinations performed during the patient’s consultation: biochemical profile, endocrinological profile, gastroscopic tests, abdominal ultrasound, echocardiography, spirometry, chest radiograph.
- If necessary, further examinations are conducted: computerized tomography, examinations of the upper section of the digestive tract using contrast medium
- Diagnostics last 1-2 days and are carried out immediately before the procedure. Thanks to this, the patient entering the stage of surgical treatment is the one that has been fully diagnosed, which considerably minimizes the risk with surgical treatment.